Hillary Clinton declares war on business people and the rich.
During the first presidential debate, Hillary Clinton said the rich must pay more in taxes, “their fair share,” she stated. This is a typical liberal talking point in every election. The question is, “what is the fair share?” Is it 50%, 60%, 70% of their income? Where does it stop? What would the incentives be to make more, if you have to pay more? What about the death tax, capital gains tax, and every other tax we pay on every single activity we do? We’re overtaxed, and enough is enough.
I hate to break the news to Hillary, but “rich business people” not all rich people, help create jobs, it doesn’t work the other way around. Hillary is rich, but her wealth didn’t come as a result of her business investments. We all know how she built her wealth. Easy comes easy goes, is her mentality. If Donald Trump wins, the gravy train is over for the Clintons.
It seems like too many Americans don’t understand how things work. Actually, it’s simple. Innovation needs funding and continued financing, rich people have money, because they take educated risks and invest in new ideas and systems. The more the government takes away from people with wealth, the less they’ll risk in new ventures. It’s common sense.
The solution, a flat tax. This would be the fairest system for everyone. Elected officials need to put partisanship aside, compromise and re-structure the tax code. We the people, need to demand our elected officials do this.
U.S. corporations have trillions of dollars in overseas accounts, why you may ask? Because if they would bring it home, they would have to pay a tremendous amount of taxes on it. They rather keep it off shore and manipulate their accounts. If these companies were to bring that money home, they would invest in R&D and other ways to grow revenues. During the debate, Trump was right about this. Anyone with half a brain and a bit of education understands this is what needs to happen for our economy to grow and the unemployment rate to continue to go down.